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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Badass song, if you haven't looked up pretty lights and downloaded all their music (legally, of course ;)) then you're missing out on MOST of what is good in life. I suggest you use this oppurtunity to get "Finally Moving". A ha..ha....ha...

In other news, ice has coated the dallas area causing wrecks, no school, and most importantly the Dart Rail to close down. With five days left to the super bowl and our public transportation down I wonder if Dallas would be able to handle an ice bowl, or if we, like many Dallas sports fans have grown accustomed to, would lose the championship game to another city.


  1. hey stupid cowboys' stadium has a roof, there'd be no ice bowl there'd be an artificial turf bowl.

  2. It does have a RETRACTABLE roof. Leave it open, BAM! ice bowl.

  3. id like to add that i enjoy grits and gravy

  4. if JJ didnt leave the roof off in october he's not gonna leave it off in febuary.
